The Tron Legacy Replica Motorcycle Suit

Universal Designs are at it again.  They promised a replica suit for those biker fans of TRON LEGACY who fancied themselves as Lightcycle riders, and two months ahead of the movie’s release they’ve delivered!

A ladies and gents design are available mirroring the Disney film’s lead character, Sam Flynn, and his virtual friend Quorra.

Numbers are limited so if you want one best get your order in now. Previous suit designs of The Batman’s armor from Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, along with Ironman’s briefcase have all sold out.

Tron Legacy Lightcycle Concept Art

Disney has released concept art for some of cinema’s most famous motorcycles, the Lightcycles from TRON.  These images are from the sequel TRON : LEGACY due to be released in December 2010 in 3D.  One of the earliest stories featured on Ride The Wild Wind was the unveiling of full size mock ups of the bikes at Comic-Con last year, see here.

The Lightcycle has been an inspiration for custom bike builders since it first appeared in the original 1982 movie with designs such as the iCare shown below.

Looking forward to seeing Lightcycles in action again this Xmas.. click for bigger images..

TRON for those who don’t know is a 1982 science fiction action film by Walt Disney Pictures.  It starred Jeff Bridges as Kevin Flynn (and his program counterpart inside the electronic world, Clu), Bruce Boxleitner as Tron and his User Alan Bradley, Cindy Morgan as Yori and Dr. Lora Baines, and Dan Shor as Ram. David Warner plays all three main antagonists: the program Sark, his User Ed Dillinger, and the voice of the Master Control Program. It was written and directed by Steven Lisberger.  Back in 1982 TRON was the film to see with the most startling special effects showing the early computer graphics that would become the biggest thing in movies.

In the sequel TRON : LEGACY Sam Flynn (Garret Hedlund), a rebellious 27-year-old, is haunted by the mysterious disappearance of his father Kevin Flynn (Bridges), a man once known as the world’s leading video-game developer. When Sam investigates a strange signal sent from the old Flynn’s Arcade — a signal that could only come from his father– he finds himself pulled into a digital world where Kevin has been trapped for 20 years. With the help of the fearless warrior Quorra (Wilde), father and son embark on a life-or-death journey across a cyber universe — a universe created by Kevin himself that has become far more advanced with vehicles, weapons, landscapes and a ruthless villain who will stop at nothing to prevent their escape.

Captain America Rides a Harley!

It’s all Harley Davidson news this week, a nice break from Italian brands I suppose.

This is a spy shot from the upcoming ‘Captain America : The First Avenger’ movie due out July 22nd 2012.  Currently filming in England the movie will tell the origin of Captain America, from patriotic but too unhealthy to fight Steve Rogers, to super soldier serum enhanced, shield swinging, hero of WWII.  The Daily Mail newspaper got the spy shots of Cap on his Harley WLA, with a few ahem ‘modern’ additions, ridden by a stunt double for the film’s star Chris Evans.

He is being chased by some fantastically styled Nazis, probably henchmen of Cap’s arch enemy The Red Skull, played by Hugo Weaving in the movie.  The film is made by Joe Johnston who also made the retro styled ‘The Rocketeer’ and from the ‘futuristic’ look of the Nazis bikes he’s brought the same designs to this period film.

For more pictures head over to The Daily Mail

Ducati – The Story, the definitive Ducati history on DVD

Ducati is launching the definitive history of its company’s history in a new DVD to be released this July.  Ducati – The Story features archive footage and photographs never seen before as well as interviews with almost anyone related to the success of the Italian company since 1926 when it was formed.

The official word on the film states ; ‘Ducati presents its history on a stunning movie on DVD. Premiered at World Ducati Week 2010, the DVD is now available at the Misano World Circuit, the Ducati Museum bookshop and Factory Store and will be available in Ducati Stores around the world. Soon, it can also be ordered online.’

The web site for ordering is still under construction but worth keeping an eye on.

You can see the trailer for Ducati -The Story below.

The DVD will be available from Ducati outlets and dealerships from July 2010

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