BMW Recalls 122,000 bikes

Yikes!  In a Toyota style admission of braking problems BMW has issued a worldwide recall of 122,000 bikes.  The potential problem lies in leaking brakes in their boxer engined models where vibration has shaken components loose.

A BMW spokesman has stated: “We already had one technical service campaign three years ago, when we brought in new brake hoses for the respective bikes, but over time we realised that the outcome by using these new brake lines was not as good as we expected, so we developed a new solution.”

The spokesman added that the problem was caused mainly by vibrations and that brake hoses could leak, causing the bike to lose brake fluid.

“Usually the rider will realise this because he sees the brake fluid on the bike, and will take it for a service,” he said.

“It’s only if the driver doesn’t realise, and the brake fluid has completely gone, that the failure of the front brake might occur, but we are not aware of a single accident caused by these defective brake hoses.”

Owners of those bikes affected by the recall should receive a letter inviting them to attend a service at their nearest dealer.

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